Monday, June 20, 2011

Use Mental Rehearsal to Get a Job Fast

School: Students and Fresh graduates Jobs

If you have made an application for a job and you have an interview coming up, plan for the interview in advance. Go over in your mind all the various job interview questions that are likely to be asked. Think about the job interview answers you are going to give, then rehearse the interview in your mind. Even if none of the job interview questions you have rehearsed come up, the rehearsal practice will still work. It will give you confidence and help you react spontaneously to whatever situation you find yourself in, because you would have practiced reacting spontaneously. In a job interview, you are selling yourself. You are the product and its sales representative. For most interviews you have the luxury of time, to research,  plan and prepare, so use the time to your advantage by using your imagination to construct and rehearse the perfect job interview, so that when the actual interview take place, you will be relaxed, confident and comfortable. To learn more about how to prepare for interviews visit: